
Cute Cupcake Delicious and Easy: Cranberry Cupcake

Cute Cupcake Delicious and Easy: Cranberry Cupcake

Cute Cupcake Delicious and Easy: Cranberry Cupcake
Cupcake recipes this one is quite unique, where it looks very beautiful cupcake topped with cranberry jam and looks very sweet taste. You can enjoy the gentle cranberry cupcake that comes with cranberry jam fillings and toppings are fresh for various festive occasions would be a special dish.
  • 100 grams of margarine
  • 50 grams of unsalted butter
  • 100 grams of fine sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 grams of cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 50 ml thickened cream
Ingredient Fill:
  • 100 grams of cranberry jam
  • 100 grams of cream powder
  • 150 ml of ice water
  • 100 grams of cranberry jam
How to make:
Cute Cupcake Delicious and Easy: Cranberry Cupcake
  • Beat margarine and sugar and refined 7 minutes until soft.
  • Add eggs one at a time alternately with sifted flour portion and whipped average.
  • Add the remaining flour and baking powder alternately with heavy cream and whipped sifted slowly.
  • Pour a little batter in the muffin tin short width in the base paper cup. Enter cranberry jam. Close back the dough cake.
  • Under fire oven with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius 25 minutes until cooked. Chill.
  • Topping, whipped cream powder and ice water until creamy.
  • Spray topping with syringe on top of cup cake. Spray cranberry jam in the middle.
See also Take Cake Mixer Equipment to add your knowledge!!!
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