
How to Make Rose on Cupcake Decoration

How to Make Rose on Cupcake Decoration

How to Make Rose on Cupcake Decoration
Flower of butter cream may be old-fashioned feel, but if in the mix with a mini-sized cake be felt beautiful in the eyes. Very fitting if given to a loved one. I see the idea of ​​making a cake shape roses arranged. I decided to share with you. It is a series of cupcake are assembled to form a series of roses. 

  • 6 cup cake
  • 200 grams butter cream pink
  • 50 grams butter cream white color
  • 50 grams butter cream light green color

  • Syringe leaves
  • Syringe roses
  • Spikes of rose
  • Wrapping paper

How to make:

How to Make Rose on Cupcake Decoration
  1. Rub the surface of the cupcake with white butter cream until blended.
  2. Enter pink butter cream into the wrapping paper. Cut off the tip of approximately 1 cm tip wrapping paper.
  3. Spray over the spikes spiky rose form at the top of the mountain.
  4. Use the syringe roses starting at the tip of the mountain spray butter cream petals curved into play until the bottom.
  5. Move roses using a small knife or small pallet up cup cake.
  6. Create small leaves of butter cream light green color of leaves using a syringe in the side of the rose.

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