
Tips and Trick Making Dough Cakes

Tips n 'Trick Making Dough Cakes

Tips n 'Trick Making Dough Cakes
There are several things to consider when you make the dough until the dough roasting process. So that the end result is perfect mature, attractive color and soft texture. Well, for your convenience at the time of baking the cake batter, it's good to pay attention to the tips of the following tastes.
Timing Is Everything

Before baking the cake, note the time. Long time shaking cake batter including influential. Use time as directed in the recipe. If there is a clot in the dough, chances are you too old to mix the egg in the dough. Add eggs one by one into the batter. This is the most appropriate way to avoid the dough you make becomes thick.

Tips n 'Trick Making Dough Cakes

Watch The Temperature For Butter
If there is an error in the baking process, it could be because the butter is heated at a temperature that is not right. If the buttered dough is too soft and slippery, the cake will not rise, but it extends to the side. Yellow butter should be cooked to medium temperature. To make the pie crust dough and biscuit use cold butter. Do not use warm butter because it will make the cake was not crispy.

Save Dough In Cooling
Use the refrigerator to keep the pie crust dough and biscuit dough before it was formed and baked. The process of cooling the dough to make some kind of cake and pie crust is crispy, crumbly texture and not easily mushy when cold.

Tips n 'Trick Making Dough Cakes

Choosing The Right Flour
Make sure you identify the type of flour to be used. High protein wheat flour suitable for bread dough, pizza dough, donuts and noodles. Wheat flour or protein are commonly referred to as all-purpose flour. You can use to create a variety of cake, sponge, wet cake, fried foods and a variety of other snacks. While wheat with low protein content, suitable for processed cookies and fried snacks and traditional cake.

Watch The Texture Dough
Notice when you make the cake batter. If the dough is too long whipped dough expands but will not dilute. Cake batter too thin potentially overflow when baked. Thus contaminate the pan and the oven interior. Cake batter is already spilling, usually will have an impact on the shape of the cake is not good and the texture of the cake are hollow. Sign dough cake (cake and sponge) prepared baked texture is smooth, creamy, pale white color, and if you pour into the pan will slide slowly.
Preheat the oven before grilling. Do not forget to give a smear of margarine and a sprinkling of flour in the pan so the cake does not stick. Or you can also coat the inside of the pan with parchment paper that has been spread with margarine.

Tips n 'Trick Making Dough Cakes

Prepare Device Carefully
Devices in question include paper rolls, spatula, wire rack, baking pan, measuring tools, kneading machine and others. Use parchment paper on a baking sheet for your pedestal. This will greatly help you prevent the bottom of the cake becomes charred. Loyang will also be easy to clean.

Check Future Use Oven
Note the hot temperature in your oven once a month. At any time the temperature in your oven can be changed. It can be bad for your cake baking process. For convenience, buy an oven thermometer. This tool will help you to set the temperature in the oven.
Meanwhile, heat oven to know can be done by roasting on a slice of white bread for approximately 5 to 7 minutes. For roasting area is dotted fire. If the surface evenly baked bread, then certainly the average heat in your oven. Each equipment has different ages use. If the temperature of the oven began to change. Chances oven starts to break down and need to be replaced with some new parts. Or it should be retired.

Measuring The Material With Appropriate
The size of the material that is not in accordance with the recipe is one of the causes of failure in making the cake. Use appropriate measuring instruments, such as scales and glass sizes. Measure and weigh each ingredient exactly as prescribed. Do not increase or decrease the amount of material, unless you have been adept at making cake mix and match technique.

Preparing Of Coach
For certain circumstances there are some materials that can be replaced with other materials. Olive oil for example, can be used as a substitute for butter for some kind of cake like crepes, muffins, and a chocolate cup cake. Because the composition of olive oil and butter there are many similarities. Use of chocolate chips can be replaced with brown stems before you chopped first. Butter cream to decorate the cake can also be replaced with whipped cream shake.

Try Diligent Recipes

The more often you try to practice a variety of recipes, then you will be more adept mix and match materials and techniques to making cake. Errors and problems that you encounter when making cake, will make you discover the strategies and tricks to avoid similar errors.
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