
How to Make New Orleans Beignet

How to Make New Orleans Beignet

How to Make New Orleans Beignet
Bread beignet in French is Donuts, donuts sow precisely refined sugar. The difference is that the donut shape is round and the middle holes, if beignet usually square or rectangular, but there is also a round without perforation in the middle of her cake. Beignet is a typical food of New Orleans is one of the major ports in the United States and also at the same time the largest city in the state of Loisiana.

In The beignet bread is no chocolate, strawberry and depending on individual taste. The most prominent of the beignet is when we eat it, we can feel the bread which is really soft and gentle on the tongue as well as its cold sensation that has been refined sugar sprinkle. Plus more, accompanied by warm milk / coffee in the morning.


  • 175 warm water
  • 11 grams of instant yeast
  • 60 grams of sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 80 ml of liquid milk
  • 825 grams of flour
  • 60 grams of unsalted butter
  • oil for frying
  • powdered sugar for topping
How to Make New Orleans Beignet

How to make:

  1. Place the water in a medium sized bowl and sprinkle yeast over the surface instant, leave for a few minutes.
  2. In a separate bowl large enough to hold all the ingredients, stir the sugar, salt, eggs and milk. then mix in the yeast that has been mixed with water before.
  3. Put ½ flour into the liquid mixture and add the butter. Mix until blended. Add the remaining flour and mix again. Then knead just until everything blends. Place the dough in a bowl, cover tightly with plastic wrap.
  4. Take the dough, shape dough made with dough in the way round. Fried in boiling oil.
  5. Finally with a sprinkle of powdered sugar on his
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