
Tips and Tricks to Make Chiffon Cake

Tips and Tricks to Make Chiffon Cake

Tips and Tricks to Make Chiffon Cake
Make chiffon cake is tricky. Often chiffon cake we made a rough, not fluffy and not solid. But if you've got a good recipe and know the tips and techniques correctly, would be able to make it at home.
  • 7 eggs yolk
  • 175 grams of flour
  • 50 ml lemon juice
  • 50 ml of tomato juice
  • 75 ml cooking oil
  • 1 tsp orange Essence
  • 1 tsp lemon rind, grated

  • 7 item Egg whites
  • ½ teaspoon cream of tar-tar
  • 120 grams of sugar

How To Make:
  1. Mix together all ingredients and mix well first, set aside.
  2. Beat egg whites and cream of tar-tar with moderate speed and enter the sugar gradually while continuing to be shaken until stiff.
  3. Enter the beaten egg whites into the batter and mix well first.
  4. Pour the batter into the pan to taste and bake until cooked for 30 minutes, remove from heat.
  5. Cut to taste and serve.
Tips and Tricks to Make Chiffon Cake

Tips to Make Chiffon Cake:
  1. To make a chiffon cake, egg yolks do not have to participate shaken. Therefore, it is better to use refined sugar than regular granulated sugar so the sugar can be refined even though the dough just stirred.
  2. Coconut milk can be replaced with water, milk, juice or other, in the same amount.
  3. Milk powder serves to enrich the taste and aroma. Therefore, this material can be eliminated.
  4. When whisk egg whites, add the sugar that is not easy runny egg whites. We recommend that you first whipped egg whites until slightly frothy, then add sugar gradually while continuing to be shaken until stiff. You can also add the cream of tar-tar to preserve texture to remain stiff egg whites.
  5. Whisk the egg whites until stiff unnecessary. To test it, take it with a pinch of the fingers whisk, then turn it over. If the egg whites do not fall, agitation is sufficient.
  6. Once cooked, chiffon must be reversed at the top of the bottle to cool so that the cake does not go down.
  7. Use print chiffon cake that is removed from the mold.
  8. Prints do not need to be greased in order to ride the perfect cake when baked.

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