
Red Velvet Cake Delicious

Red Velvet Cake Delicious

Red Velvet Cake Delicious, Red Velvet has a characteristic as a soft-textured cake, sweet, and tasteful. This cake is usually made in a baking dish large size which then divided into three layers where each layer is filled with a delicious cream cheese and tasteful. The red color in the Red Velvet obtained from fruit bits, but for now, many also use cookies and food coloring in lieu of beet juice. Cake that has existed since the days of World War II, currently very famous after the film starred by Julia Roberts in the movie Steel Magnolias appear. Red Velvet cake that appears when there is a scene of the groom who brought this cake for his wife, since that is the Red Velvet become one meal in the drill all the people in the world.
  • Ingredients Red Velved Cake A:
  •      385 grams of cake flour
  •      55 grams of cocoa powder.
  •      1 ½ tsp salt.
  •      50 gr full cream milk powder.

  • Ingredients Red Velvet Cake B:
  •      490 cc of oil.
  •      450 gr sugar.
  •      3 eggs.
  •      1 ½ tsp vanilla powder.
  •      red dye to taste (optional).

  • Ingredients Red Velvet cake C:
  •      100 cc beet juice made from 2 bits (approximately 300 g)
  •      200 cc of water.

  • Ingredients Red Velvet Cake Buttermilk D:
  •      295 cc, plain UHT milk.
  •      2 tablespoons lime juice.

  • Ingredients Red Velvet cake E:
  •      2 tsp baking soda.
  •      2 ½ tsp lime juice.

  • Ingredients Cheese Frosting Red Velvet Cake:
  • 250 grams of cream cheese.
  • 100 grams of unsalted butter.
  • 200 grams of refined sugar.
  • 473 cc of fresh cream.
  • 50 grams of milk powder.
How to Make Red Velvet Cake:

Red Velvet Cake Delicious

1. Blend (ingredient C) then cook over low heat until the water shrink by half. Then strain and measuring as much as 100 cc. Set aside and allow to cool.
2. To make Buttermilk own, mix all (ingredient D), mix well and set aside. Then the form will eventually thickens like yogurt.
3. Heat the oven and prepare 3 round baking pan diameter 24 cm height 3 cm, and spread with margarine or oil. Or one large round pan, later on you can divide the result becomes his cake into 3 parts. (optional, as are all the same).
4. Combine all (ingredient A) and sieve.
5. Mixer / Blender sugar and oil until smooth, then move into the basin and then enter one of the eggs, mixer until blended at low speed for about 3 minutes. Then Enter beet juice, coloring, and vanilla and mix well.
6. Add the flour mixture (step no. 4) into the dough and the mixer on low speed until well blended all.
7. Enter the buttermilk, stirring until smooth using a spatula.
8. Mix (ingredient E) (better made impromptu in a small bowl and stir until blended) and enter a mixture of E earlier in the dough, mix well.
9. Pour the batter into the pan and bake until cooked to a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes.

Red Velvet Cake Delicious

How to Make Cheese Frosting Red Velvet Cake:
1. Mix the ingredients cream cheese, butter, milk powder and powdered sugar, then beat until smooth and set aside.
2. In a separate, fresh whipped cream until fluffy (or become whip cream)
3. Insert the cream cheese mixture, and the mixer on low speed until well blended.

Finishing Red Velvet Cake:
1. If the size of the cake, my friend could onliners first cut his cake horizontally into 3 parts with a knife. Or if you already own company 3 of 3 pan cake just take a piece of cake and spread frosting topped with cheese to taste and cover with a piece of cake again. Finish up the last cake.
2. Close all the surface of the cake with the remaining cheese frosting and decorate according to taste. Store in the refrigerator and ready to be enjoyed.
3. To decorate the cake, you can use colorful balls, nuts, candy colors, or fruit that you like such as cherry, strawberry, or blueberry.

Red Velvet Cake Delicious

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