
Unique History Behind Making Pretzel

Unique History Behind Making Pretzel

Unique History Behind Making Pretzel
You ever try a pretzel? Pretzel is one of Europe's traditional snack. Beautiful shape resembles a knot. Although it feels a bit like bread, pretzels made with a technique that is slightly different than how to make bread. Bread dough that has been created will be dipped in hot water mixed with a little baking soda. Well, the manufacturing process is very unique.

Many versions of the story about the early history of making pretzels. One story states that pretzel comes from a region in the south of Germany and began to be made in the early 12th century. There is also another story stating that the pretzel invented by an Italian priest. Italian priest gives knot-shaped cake to children who diligently pray. Because the shape of the knot that resembles the hands of people who are praying, pretzels time was also known as pretiolia which means small gift.
One other story is no less famous explained that the pretzel made by a baker who caught stealing. He will be freed from charges of stealing when you can make a cake with three suns. Because the thought of the hand grip his wife when he was restless, the baker then tried to make bread knot which we now know as pretzels.

Unique History Behind Making Pretzel

Whatever the developing story behind the history-making pretzels, pretzel we now know as one of the traditional European delicious snack. Pretzel consists of a variety of textures, some soft, some are hard. Although initially pretzels made with a soft texture, textured hard pretzel was accidentally discovered because supposedly the pretzel maker asleep while baking until pretzels homemade pretzels turned hard. Soft pretzels usually eaten when ripe, while the new hard pretzels are mass produced and used to eat with beer.

The main ingredient in the manufacture of pretzels are high protein flour. High protein flour is mixed with yeast, a source of fat (margarine, butter or shortening), sugar, water and a little baking soda. Once formed, the pretzel dough can be sprinkled cinnamon, cumin, or to taste nuts.
Now, it's easy if you want to try to make their own pretzels at home. Because the ingredients are easy to find. For business use of high-protein wheat flour, you would have to choose the quality of wheat flour such as wheat flour high. Congratulations creative with your pretzel recipe!
See also Techniques Motif Cakes while learning while trying!!!
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