
Simple Dark Chocolate Cake Recipe

Dark Chocolate Cake

Simple Dark Chocolate Cake Recipe,
Who does not liked of chocolate? Ranging from children to the elderly, most people love chocolate in a variety or processed. In order to enjoy of chocolate, we could make it into candy, drinks, jams and cakes. Chocolate is synonymous with dense color and sweet taste to the bitter, most people from various parts of the world is like of chocolate with varying levels of flavor. This time you have to try the chocolate process into delicious of chocolate cake and tasty. The children would love.

  • 125 grams of butter
  • 4 eggs, the yolks and whites separated
  • 125 grams of dark chocolate coating, roughly chopped
  • 250 grams of fine sugar
  • 125 grams of wheat flour
Chocolate frosting:
  • 175 grams of dark chocolate coating
  • 175 grams of butter
  • 120 grams of powdered sugar
  • Chocolate coating planed for garnish
How to Make Dark chocolate cake:

Chocolate Cake Recipe

  • Preheat the oven to 180 0C, basting with pan size 20x20cm with butter, cover with baking paper then spread butter again
  • Heat the butter with warm water (steamed), stirring frequently, until soft but not greasy and butter should be able to flow
  • Beat the egg whites and 160 grams of fine sugar until thick and the pale
  • Beat the egg yolks in a separate place until fluffy, enter the rest of the sugar, and shake again until stiff
  • Enter the butter into the egg yolks, then enter the chopped dark chocolate coating
  • Enter each time 1/3 of flour mixture alternately with 1/3 egg whites into the egg yolk mixture. Mix well, pour into the pan and bake for 60 minutes
  • Once cooked, remove from oven and let cool
Chocolate Frosting:
  • Melt the dark chocolate coating with steamed way.
  • Shake the butter until soft, fill refined sugar, shake again until smooth and the pale.
  • Add the dark chocolate coating has melted, stir
  • Brush the surface of the cake with chocolate frosting.
  • Sprinkle the chocolate coating that has been shaved at the top of the cake, then sifted powdered sugar slightly upward as additional shaved chocolate garnish
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