
Techniques Strategies Make a Smooth Dough

Smooth Dough

Techniques Strategies Make a Smooth Dough
I am very excited to begin the story of bread, because so many stories that occurred in the period quest to gain knowledge of making bread until I succeed. And because knowledge of these techniques will continue to evolve, then we would never say that this is supposed to do except for matters of basic raw standards.

We know there are 3 kinds of bread, the first toast -this is a type of bread that is usually familiar in everyday life such as sandwiches, sweet bread, torn bread, bread, etc. that both fried bread, the top spot is a donut. And the third is steamed buns such as baozi. All three have different special treatment, but there are some common things are the same in all three.

Smooth Dough

Mixing the dough until completely smooth is the key to the success of making bread. What is a smooth dough? Otherwise the dough is smooth if the dough can be pulled into sheets and not easily broken. In the past, we believe that the auxiliary materials such as softeners and emulsifiers is the key to a successful bakery, but these materials dough turned out just perfect and not as a primary key that is perfect dough. Useless you add a variety of additional materials if you make bread dough is not smooth, and vice versa, although the basic materials that were intentionally made under standard usage as low quality margarine, egg reduced, in order to perfect the bread dough is smooth you finished.

Knead the dough becomes smooth it is rather difficult, especially if you use the hand as a tool for stirring. Consistency strength, sweat and heat generated by the palms of your hands will influence the final outcome of your dough. Therefore, if you really intend to professional home industry, the existence of bread mixer is extremely I recommend. This mixing process is not merely to produce a dough that is smooth but also should not be too long, because the dough will be like gum, also the temperature of the dough becomes too warm. This will affect the subsequent fermentation process, the warm dough will make the development of the bread over and imperfect because the dough is expanding even before you finish stirring, weigh and shape. Fermentation is over also will make the dough becomes sour. Ideally, when the dough is smooth dough temperature is still cold, therefore it is recommended to use ice water for mixing water or cold milk.

The moisture room temperature influence the moisture flour you use, moisture sugar, margarine quality. These factors make you have to be careful when mixing the liquid should not all be mixed directly. The more experience, you will get to know by simply touching the dough if the dough is good enough or not.

Smooth Dough

Margarine and salt should be mixed at the last moment when the dough is almost dull, why? Because salt will inhibit fermentation work, therefore you should mix it up at the end of the second stirring. I can guess your mind, really. If you stir by hand then you should ignore this technique, because of the almost smooth batter mix with margarine will make the dough becomes wet. The quality of materials and auxiliary materials in addition to the base material will only be useful to improve the display quality of your bread, as well as the taste and texture. As bread is moist, not dry, more savory flavor, softer. This is the first part of my article about the bread.
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