
Tips and Tricks: Saving Pastries Longer

Tips n 'Tricks: Saving Pastries Longer

Tips n 'Tricks: Saving Pastries Longer
Pastries usually a snack choices are often made by the housewife. One of the reasons why the housewives prefer recipe pastry for a family snack is a longer durability than other types of cakes such as cake or traditional cakes.
Although it has a crunchy texture and a more durable when stored, cookies can also be easily damaged when stored in the wrong way. Well, to save the cookies in a long time, first follow some of these tips.

Make sure the cake has cooled when storing
When you are going to store cookies, make sure the cake is already in cold conditions without any steam left. Instead, save 1 hour after pastries cooked and removed from the pan. Pastries are stored in hot conditions will be easy to mold and easy mushy because steam is still lagging behind.
Separate each type of pastries.
Each type of pastry has a characteristic flavor and aroma are different. So, you should not mix different pastries and keep it in a jar. Saving every type of pastry in a different container will make the scent of cookies you stay awake.

Use a sealed container
Several types of containers such as cans or jars ordinary biscuits is often used as a storage place cookies. However, it would be nice if you use a container that is airtight and sealed while trying to save cookies. Such containers can minimize the content of the air in the jar, so the pastries that you save can remain crisp.

Tips n 'Tricks: Saving Pastries Longer

Storing cookies for gifts
If you include people who are adept at making various recipes pastries, it would be nice if you made pastries can be a gift for a beloved companions. When you wish to give gifts of various kinds of cake, you could use an insulated container to put it. In this way, your homemade cookies will be seen as desirable but still can be grouped according to their kind.
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